I hope everyone has been great. I can't believe it's November already! Where did September and October go?
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Keron's Moley
I hope everyone has been great. I can't believe it's November already! Where did September and October go?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Jennifer's book - In progress

This is in no way complete...but since I have so many books sitting here I wanted you all to at least know I was actually working on them :)
This should probably be done in the next day or two - so I'll make a guess and say I'll get it in the mail by next week sometime. Hope everyone is well, it's been a bit rainy here in So Cal...weird, since just last week it was over a hundred degrees. Damn weather...ah well, being cooped up in the house gives me even more reason to be inside drawing!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Moly_x_70 - Carolina's moly - WIP
Here is the beginnings of my Alice in Wonderland entry in Carolina's moly
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The molies are here, the molies are here!

I came home yesterday from work to find two stuffed envelopes waiting for me on the couch! My boyfriend is very good about propping my moly mail up where I will see it when I first walk in...what can I say I'm like a kid at Christmas :)
Anyway, I'll send these off one at a time so Kari doesn't get stuck with multiple books all at once. I've got these three for this exchange and two more from other groups at home waiting on me.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
MolyX70 - Racheal's Moly - The american dream...

MolyX70 - Racheal's Moly - The american dream...
Originally uploaded by GWsmomma - Ankle Biter Creations
Monday, August 30, 2010
Moly entries
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Johnny Depp as The Mad Hatter
Here Kitty Kitty.........
Well the move has been all consuming, but somehow I managed to eek out my entry into Carolina's book. This will be my last entry into a book while living in the US. I depart for Germany this Tuesday. YIKES!
Let me know if the mailing order will change due to my move. I'll send my new address to Stacey along with Carolina's book.
auf wiedersehen.........
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Hello out there....
I just wanted to see if there were any books coming my way :) I haven't received any for this group yet and was just curious how everyone is doing.
Hope you all are well....we here in Southern California are experiencing an unusual cool summer. It was actually sprinkling yesterday! Okay, that's all. Hope to see some books real soon.
Hope you all are well....we here in Southern California are experiencing an unusual cool summer. It was actually sprinkling yesterday! Okay, that's all. Hope to see some books real soon.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Hey Fellow Moly_x_70er's,
I'm moving.......to Germany! It's an awesome opportunity that is way to good to pass up. I would really love to stay with this group, but understand if this move throws too big of a wrench in the system. I hope to have an address sometime in July, and I move at the end of August. Think of it as adding another layer of international to this international moleskine exchange ;)
Let me know your thoughts. I totally understand if you guys want to vote me off the island.
Will share more info as it becomes available.
I'm moving.......to Germany! It's an awesome opportunity that is way to good to pass up. I would really love to stay with this group, but understand if this move throws too big of a wrench in the system. I hope to have an address sometime in July, and I move at the end of August. Think of it as adding another layer of international to this international moleskine exchange ;)
Let me know your thoughts. I totally understand if you guys want to vote me off the island.
Will share more info as it becomes available.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
blog revamp - artistic push...
I hit the blog with a little re-vamp today...thought I would liven it up a bit now that blogger has given some more options to 'prettify' the blogs. Hope everybody likes it.
Also wanted to let you all know that I am going to do an artistic push this weekend and next week. I have 3 molys right now and am going to try to get entries done in all 3 in the next week and send them off. I have one entry almost complete and will work on the other 2. Things have been a little crazy with the bedroom redo and children. Just when we got the redo finished - my step-daughter came to visit. My husband and I have been married for almost 3 yrs and this was my first time to meet her. Things are luckily going far better than I had imagined.
Also wanted to let you all know that I am going to do an artistic push this weekend and next week. I have 3 molys right now and am going to try to get entries done in all 3 in the next week and send them off. I have one entry almost complete and will work on the other 2. Things have been a little crazy with the bedroom redo and children. Just when we got the redo finished - my step-daughter came to visit. My husband and I have been married for almost 3 yrs and this was my first time to meet her. Things are luckily going far better than I had imagined.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Avoiding the P.O.
I still have Carolina's moley, the one with the Alice image. It's on my desk. I've been avoiding the post office. Hopefully I will get my act together and get it out to Jenn this week.
I just received Keron's lanes alley ways, and other quiet corners and I have to say...Keron, you've got me lost for an image! Although, being lost seems fitting for the theme:) You did such a great job with connecting the architecture of the two arches that I'm nervous to make something. I'm going to have to think about this one...
I still have Carolina's moley, the one with the Alice image. It's on my desk. I've been avoiding the post office. Hopefully I will get my act together and get it out to Jenn this week.
I just received Keron's lanes alley ways, and other quiet corners and I have to say...Keron, you've got me lost for an image! Although, being lost seems fitting for the theme:) You did such a great job with connecting the architecture of the two arches that I'm nervous to make something. I'm going to have to think about this one...
Thursday, May 13, 2010
It's coming.

Hey Everyone, Just wanted to let you know I haven't fallen off of the map. We had to move unexpectedly and I've been without internet. Also my company merged with two others and all of the marketing is coming my way, job security is a good thing but I'm so busy now. I've finished my sketchbook and am sending it to Canada. I've started Kelly's and will send it to Canada after the weekend. (I'm looking forward to a nice peaceful relaxing drawing kind of weekend)
I'll take photos and post of my latest in a minute. I need to go get a chocolate banana shake from Carls Jr.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Alice in Tears

'Elo Ladies! Here is my entry into Carolina's Alice in Wonderland moly. I'm having trouble sizing the art for the blog, so it easiest to see the image on Flickr.
Springtime here. Flowers blooming. Although, it was FREEZING today. I heard snow in Montreal, Carolina did you get any?
Friday, April 23, 2010
finally a little quiet
Hi there all - have been busy, busy, busy, work, family, study, yadda, yadda, yadda - aren't we all - I FINALLY have my 'lanes, alleyways & other quiet corners' ready to post. I had the initial drawing in sometime ago, but I jUST hated it and felt very intimidated to send it off to you rachel! anyways - here it is now and it will be in the mail in 3 days (it's sat here & mon is a public holiday)

don't know why, but it seems I can't add another pic - so there's more, I can't seem to upload anymore today.
OH - AND we have been blessed with a new Princess grandbaby last week - Ariel Faith......luv her to bits!~
hugs to all

don't know why, but it seems I can't add another pic - so there's more, I can't seem to upload anymore today.
OH - AND we have been blessed with a new Princess grandbaby last week - Ariel Faith......luv her to bits!~
hugs to all
Saturday, April 3, 2010
I don't know how mad the hatter is but CAN tell you how to train your dragon...
I have yet to see "Alice in Wonderland", but we had a family day today and took the kids to see "How to train your dragon". We saw it in 3D. This was the 5yr olds first 3D movie and he loved it. I thought the movie was excellent. I did at one point get so caught up in the animation that I wasn't paying attention to the movie. We will definitely add that to our collection when it comes out on DVD.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Mailing on Friday
Kelley - I should have my moly in the mail to you this Friday. I worked on it some this weekend before I got hit with migraines and had to stop. I got about 1/2 way done and should be able to finish and get it in the mail to you by Friday. Then I can work on Jenn's and hopefully have that to you by the next week 4/9. I'm rock'n and rollin' now.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Art question - how do you...?
In the past few weeks I have been sketching/drawing in my own personal moly and had not put color on page until last week. The drawing was of a woman's head/shoulders and I used colored pencil to give her color. I completed her face and hair but did not put any color in the background yet. When I opened up the moly yesterday to work on another sketch I found that the color from her hair (dark brown) is rubbing off on the facing page - which is the background.
My question is:
*Is there something that I can do to keep this from happening?
*What do you ladies do when using colored pencil to keep it from rubbing off and possibly ruining your sketch?
I also have the same question in regards to using black watercolor - with the first entry in my moly_x_70 moly - I wanted several very dark (black) elements but found that the dark watercolor is rubbing off on the light face of my work.
*How do you get the dark background or other items without having them ruin everything else?
Those are pretty much the same question, but ehh - I need a little guidance from someone who is more seasoned in the use of different media.
My question is:
*Is there something that I can do to keep this from happening?
*What do you ladies do when using colored pencil to keep it from rubbing off and possibly ruining your sketch?
I also have the same question in regards to using black watercolor - with the first entry in my moly_x_70 moly - I wanted several very dark (black) elements but found that the dark watercolor is rubbing off on the light face of my work.
*How do you get the dark background or other items without having them ruin everything else?
Those are pretty much the same question, but ehh - I need a little guidance from someone who is more seasoned in the use of different media.
Monday, March 22, 2010

Here's my 2nd entry into my Moleskine. Which by the way, thank you for helping me clear up my confusion about Round #2!
For the new members: I chose a 2 page sketchbook. The theme being DREAMS. There is a little note in the back pocket of my book...along with a few collected ones for you to read.
I'm not really sure where this image came from but I bought new markers and decided to test them out in my moly. When you get my book - smell the red and orange colors!
Friday, March 19, 2010
a little fun for friday - this is for you Kelley
What Alice in Wonderland character are you?
I am Alice
I am curious, brave, and inquisitive. I can't help but be interested in the world around me. I am a bit of a loner and a total daydreamer. Your inner world is very colorful and vivid.At times, your real life seems dull and completely unbearable. You wish you could escape to a whole other world. While you have a wild spirit, you are quite gentle and polite. You tend to observe more than act - and you tread lightly.
I am Alice
I am curious, brave, and inquisitive. I can't help but be interested in the world around me. I am a bit of a loner and a total daydreamer. Your inner world is very colorful and vivid.At times, your real life seems dull and completely unbearable. You wish you could escape to a whole other world. While you have a wild spirit, you are quite gentle and polite. You tend to observe more than act - and you tread lightly.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Happy St. Patricks
Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to check in. I have received my moly from Stacey (thanks Stacey) and will work on it this week and get it in the mail by Friday. I was so excited to see my own moly and now I'm anxious to send it out and get some more art in it.
I also already have Kelly's "Alice in Wonderland" book and will get it done as quickly as I can. So I think I'll be caught up fairly soon, I hope. The books are all looking really cool and amazing. Such a fun project, it really makes me smile.
I'll post new images soon.
Just wanted to check in. I have received my moly from Stacey (thanks Stacey) and will work on it this week and get it in the mail by Friday. I was so excited to see my own moly and now I'm anxious to send it out and get some more art in it.
I also already have Kelly's "Alice in Wonderland" book and will get it done as quickly as I can. So I think I'll be caught up fairly soon, I hope. The books are all looking really cool and amazing. Such a fun project, it really makes me smile.
I'll post new images soon.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sorry to make a post about this ladies, but I'm feeling so lost right now.
What is the schedule/route of these moleskines? Right now I have mine untouched since Round 1 ended. I don't have an address to the person I'm suppossed to mail it to. Also, I don't have anyone else's moleskine to create in. After seeing Jen and Keron's latest posts, I have the creative itch. Someone gimmie a moly!!!!
lol. Thank you for listening.
What is the schedule/route of these moleskines? Right now I have mine untouched since Round 1 ended. I don't have an address to the person I'm suppossed to mail it to. Also, I don't have anyone else's moleskine to create in. After seeing Jen and Keron's latest posts, I have the creative itch. Someone gimmie a moly!!!!
lol. Thank you for listening.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Ready for round 2 .......finally

have LOVED my first Moly adventure - although I haven't seen the movie yet - I keep seeing these posters everywhere of Johny Depp (be still my beating heart!) as the Mad Hatter - and seeing as he hadn't appeared yet in your book. I used water & oil crayons, paint, markers & collage. (and text from an old book of Alice) I hope you like it Carolina! Bring on the next one!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
New feature --->
Hello ladies!!
Just wanted to let you know that I added a new feature on the right hand side of the blog. I have added a 'Who has Who's book' section. If you would update as we go along - that way we can keep track of where we are at. Being a larger group I want to make sure that we keep going smoothly.
Just wanted to let you know that I added a new feature on the right hand side of the blog. I have added a 'Who has Who's book' section. If you would update as we go along - that way we can keep track of where we are at. Being a larger group I want to make sure that we keep going smoothly.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Hi again everyone - annoying Newbie here! I am excited to be a part of the group and can't wait to get going.
I am seeking some 'boundries' for my contributions to your Moly's. Coming from an 'altered' world - where nothing remains in it's original state and much is created from just odds & sodds (I have created art journals & altered books for ages) - all this 'newness' of the Moly's is a little foreign to me! LOL!!! Can I make additions (ie 3d elements, stitching, pockets, tags, tip ins??) Can I make SUBTRACTIONS??? (cut through the page & add a transparent section, make a 'cut out' window in the cover, or something else that I haven't thought of yet! stay tuned!)
ANYONE reeling from the thought of their beautiful Moly being 'altered' - please let me know - it doesn't worry me at all. I don't want to offend or upset anyone, or step out of the boundries of the project. I have Carolina's Alice Moly right here beside me, sitting here like a holy thing - and I am a little 'gun shy' to start.......in case I deal with it inappropriately.
This is a journal I created last year - you can see more here
have a great day everyone - I look forward to your comments......
I am seeking some 'boundries' for my contributions to your Moly's. Coming from an 'altered' world - where nothing remains in it's original state and much is created from just odds & sodds (I have created art journals & altered books for ages) - all this 'newness' of the Moly's is a little foreign to me! LOL!!! Can I make additions (ie 3d elements, stitching, pockets, tags, tip ins??) Can I make SUBTRACTIONS??? (cut through the page & add a transparent section, make a 'cut out' window in the cover, or something else that I haven't thought of yet! stay tuned!)
ANYONE reeling from the thought of their beautiful Moly being 'altered' - please let me know - it doesn't worry me at all. I don't want to offend or upset anyone, or step out of the boundries of the project. I have Carolina's Alice Moly right here beside me, sitting here like a holy thing - and I am a little 'gun shy' to start.......in case I deal with it inappropriately.
This is a journal I created last year - you can see more here
have a great day everyone - I look forward to your comments......
Added protection...what do you think?
Hello everyone!!
After reading Keron's post and hearing how the moly package arrived to her I was thinking that from now on we may all benefit from taking a few extra precautions when mailing our molys. This may benefit us in other moly groups as well. So, tell me what you ladies think. for all future mailings I think that we should seal our molys in a plastic ziploc type bag. I think that we may also want to consider taping over the envelope's closure just to be sure it doesn't come open.
Let me know what everyone thinks.
After reading Keron's post and hearing how the moly package arrived to her I was thinking that from now on we may all benefit from taking a few extra precautions when mailing our molys. This may benefit us in other moly groups as well. So, tell me what you ladies think. for all future mailings I think that we should seal our molys in a plastic ziploc type bag. I think that we may also want to consider taping over the envelope's closure just to be sure it doesn't come open.
Let me know what everyone thinks.
Monday, March 8, 2010
sorry that I misunderstood the directions peoples - I didn't quite understand this was a requirement & dismissed the first invite to join the blog, thinking I just DON'T have time for one more 'online' thing to update.
I now understand it's function - and have joined & will keep it up dated.
I recieved in the mail today the MOST stupendous Moly - Alice - Painting the Roses - The Red Queen - all of them laid out before me - what a delight to come home to. I am SO excited and inspired & can't WAIT to work in it.
I will have my 'Lanes, Alleyways & Other Quiet Places' in the mail shortly...you can see some more pics on my flickr album for this book.
I will have my 'Lanes, Alleyways & Other Quiet Places' in the mail shortly...you can see some more pics on my flickr album for this book.
I have the privilege of doing another one with the amazing Jenn - here's the link, if you'd like to look at that.
looking forward to seeing each of the books as they arrive........wooo hooo.... a great mail day!
PS - THE parcel I did recieve was open and the book was exposed. I have found from SAD experiences - it's ALWAYS best to send it in a clip lock bag for safety. Had it arrived only two days earlier when our area experienced terrible storms, it would have been totally ruined.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Husband!! Sheesh!!
Kari - your book will be in the mail to you this weekend. My wonderful husband was supposed to take it to the post office for me, but for some reason he didn't get there last week while he was on vacation. So, he has been scolded like a child and will be taking it to the post office on Friday.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Hello Everyone!
I just wanted to check in and say hello to our new sketchers! Hi! I'm feeling a little out of the loop and much behind. December and January gave me some set backs. I'm currently recovering from a severe case of pneumonia. It's healing nicely, it's just been a slow process.
I currently have my own moleskine from when we ended the last round. I take it I'm suppossed to send it to Jen. Jen-I need your mailing address. Can you email me at rachealanilyse [at] yahoo [dot] com?
Rose-do you need my mailing address? Email me as well!
Looking forward to getting to know everyone and to make some art!
I just wanted to check in and say hello to our new sketchers! Hi! I'm feeling a little out of the loop and much behind. December and January gave me some set backs. I'm currently recovering from a severe case of pneumonia. It's healing nicely, it's just been a slow process.
I currently have my own moleskine from when we ended the last round. I take it I'm suppossed to send it to Jen. Jen-I need your mailing address. Can you email me at rachealanilyse [at] yahoo [dot] com?
Rose-do you need my mailing address? Email me as well!
Looking forward to getting to know everyone and to make some art!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Off with his Head!! (Kelley's Wonderland Book)
Well since this is my first time posting work to the blog I thought I'd also include a "teaser" of my book to date. I've only let you see small bits and pieces so that it's a surprise when you actually get it in the mail but it's really come a long way for only having three people work on it :) (Three people, myself, Rose and Amy. Rose and I both had two entries, Amy just one.)

And here is, well for me, my third entry in my own book! OFF WITH HIS HEAD!! Had to include painting the rose's red...that's one of my favorite parts.
Kari, I will send you flickr mail to get your address since it appears i'll be sending to you in the rotation. I just want to make some updates to my sign in page before mailing it out so hopefully this book will be in the mail before the end of the week.

(by the way, don't know if you can see it but the queens crown is actually painted gold with little ruby stickers pasted on top, hee hee!)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
My first post to Moly x 70 (hee hee!)
I'm having a dilemma. Not really, just a hard time making a decision, which let's face it, really isn't new for me. :)
Anyway, my problem is this....I have a half finished Wonderland moly all about Alice and her adventures that I would like to see finished. But I know Karo has the same theme and I really don't want to burn you guys out on the Wonderland stories by having more than one book on the same theme.
Would any of you have an objection to me using my wonderland book to continue on or would you prefer I start a new book with a new theme? I don't mind starting a new book so don't fear telling me to do so...I just thought if no one minded i'd continue on with the book I have since it's unfinished.
Thanks for your help in deciding :)
Anyway, my problem is this....I have a half finished Wonderland moly all about Alice and her adventures that I would like to see finished. But I know Karo has the same theme and I really don't want to burn you guys out on the Wonderland stories by having more than one book on the same theme.
Would any of you have an objection to me using my wonderland book to continue on or would you prefer I start a new book with a new theme? I don't mind starting a new book so don't fear telling me to do so...I just thought if no one minded i'd continue on with the book I have since it's unfinished.
Thanks for your help in deciding :)
2 1/2 page entries...
Just in case the rest of you are not OCD like me - you may not have noticed that with the new group members we will have to adjust the size of our entries from 3 pages per person to 2 1/2 pages in order for each group member to fit.
The book owner can do a 3 page entry in their own book to start the second round, but everyone else should try to make their entry in 2 1/2 pages. The final entry will use whatever space is left. (This will apply only to the accordian fold molys)
Kari - I should have your moly in the mail this weekend.
The book owner can do a 3 page entry in their own book to start the second round, but everyone else should try to make their entry in 2 1/2 pages. The final entry will use whatever space is left. (This will apply only to the accordian fold molys)
Kari - I should have your moly in the mail this weekend.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Second round: my entry in my book!

Here is my second entry in my moly.
We have officially started the second round.
I'm continuing with the Alice in Wonderland theme. ( Maybe the new movie will give you some extra inspiration)
I'm ready to send my book to Keron as soon as I get his mailing adress.
ps: Keron's flickr's doesn't seem to work
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Almost ready...
Hello all!! We are almost ready to start the second round of our exchange. With this round we will be adding a few new group members. As of right now, I have gotten confirmation from both Kelley and Keron that they will be joining us for the second round. I will wait until the end of the week to see if I get a response from the third person who showed an interest in the group and then we can begin.
If you will take a moment to notice that I have added both Kelley's and Keron's names to the Artists list on the right. The order of the rotation has changed just a bit and will look something like this...
Racheal --> Jenn
Jenn --> Stacey
Stacey --> Kelley
Kelley --> Kari
Kari --> Carolina
Carolina --> Keron
Keron --> Racheal
(if the third person joins the group it will go from Keron --> Rose and then from Rose --> Racheal)
I will take care of forwarding mailing addresses to everyone in the group, so if you have had an address change since we started this moly exchange, please make sure that you send it to me. I want to be sure that I have the most accurate information so that our group can continue to be successful.
Any questions or additional comments - please let me know.
If you will take a moment to notice that I have added both Kelley's and Keron's names to the Artists list on the right. The order of the rotation has changed just a bit and will look something like this...
Racheal --> Jenn
Jenn --> Stacey
Stacey --> Kelley
Kelley --> Kari
Kari --> Carolina
Carolina --> Keron
Keron --> Racheal
(if the third person joins the group it will go from Keron --> Rose and then from Rose --> Racheal)
I will take care of forwarding mailing addresses to everyone in the group, so if you have had an address change since we started this moly exchange, please make sure that you send it to me. I want to be sure that I have the most accurate information so that our group can continue to be successful.
Any questions or additional comments - please let me know.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Group check in...
Hello ladies!!
It appears that we have reached the end of our first round. In the second round we will be welcoming Kelley and Rose to the group. I know that Kelley is ready to get started. We also had a request from Jenn to add an additional new group member. I wanted to check in with everyone and have everyone voice their opinions on a few things...
1) please comment and let me know if you will be continuing with the group for the second round;
2) please comment and let me know if you are on board with 3 new group members;
3) any other comments or suggestions as we move forward.
I am looking forward to having new group members join the rotation.
It appears that we have reached the end of our first round. In the second round we will be welcoming Kelley and Rose to the group. I know that Kelley is ready to get started. We also had a request from Jenn to add an additional new group member. I wanted to check in with everyone and have everyone voice their opinions on a few things...
1) please comment and let me know if you will be continuing with the group for the second round;
2) please comment and let me know if you are on board with 3 new group members;
3) any other comments or suggestions as we move forward.
I am looking forward to having new group members join the rotation.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Creatures of the Night - Stacey's Book

Stacey -Your book will finally be making it's journey back home. I really think that your book has taken on a 'creatures of the night' theme. Hope you don't miss the typography in my entry. I'll drop it in the mail first thing next week. Hope you like.
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