Monday, December 21, 2009
Talented artist giveaway
Check it out!
Monday, December 7, 2009
A 3rd addition?
I've been approached by another artist who is interested in joining our group for the second go around. I said that I wouldn't mind asking the group. Her name is Keron, here is a link to her work:
She lives in Melbourne, Australia. Let me know what you think.
Take care.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Alice in Wonderland

Here's my entry for Carolina's Alice in Wonderland Moly. I had wanted to make the Cheshire Cat, and then the Catepillar, but both designs didn't flow with the previous scenes. So I kept the subject matter to the Rose Garden and made the Queen and King of Hearts as a pair of immature royalty...and a worried little rabbit.
Of coarse, I had to add my beloved lettering. It's an addiction I can't seem to stop.
Monday, November 30, 2009
New Banner!
Monday, November 23, 2009
In need of a mailing address
I have your moly. Just finished the drawing and ready to start color. I need your new address please! Will post the final image here later this week.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving my dears!
Friday, November 20, 2009
It is definitely much much much better in person...
You are amazing!!!
Your drawing is truly stunning. I need to find some new descriptive words - I feel like I always use the same ones, but they are still true.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Kari's Sunshine & Summertime

Be on the lookout Stacey, I'm dropping this in the mail tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
One book left...
Monday, November 9, 2009
More Dreams

I'm finally ready to send Racheal's moly off to Racheal. hehe It turned out a little too pastelly for me but I'm sticking to it. Racheal your book is really amazing.
How's everyone else doing? Things have been quiet lately, so I'm guessing you're all as busy as I am. Things are good here in southern Utah. The leaves are changing colors and my little town is beautiful. I can't believe it's November!
Friday, November 6, 2009
stacey's books

Hi everyone
I finally found some time to do an entry in Stacey's book
Hope you like it Stacey and really sorry for the long delay
but with the move, the renovation, work, going back to school.... it has been just crazy!
As for my entry, it's based on a saying my grandmother used to say whenever she saw a crow. She looked at the crow, crossed her fingers and said: "Martes hoy, martes manana, martes todo la semana" Which means Tuesday today, Tuesday tomorrow, tuesday all week. She told it was to protect us form the bad luck the crow brings because they are witches in disguise. The theme of the night and the vampires remind me this saying and I just had to had some type to follow Racheal's entry. This was really fun and a good break from my crazy break
ps. I'm trying to catch up in my moly so my next entry just be completed soon. thanks for understanding.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Ali in Wonderland

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Racheal's Update
I just saw Stacey's post and was planning on writing my update post [was wondering where everyone was as well] this weekend, but you beat me to the punch. Anyway, I figured list form would be the easy way. Here goes:
1. Hope you all are well, have had great summers, and ready for the autumn.
2. I have had an insane and busy summer. Vacationed on the beach, went parasailing! Back to reality right now and catching up on a lot of work.
3. This was my entry into Stacey's moly. I sent it to Carolina back in the beginning of July I believe.

I was really sick over the summer and unable to draw/use my hands. So when I finally was able to get back into it I had to start where I felt comfortable. For me that's typography and lettering. Aside from that, I felt the quote stuck with Stacey's theme well.
4. This was my entry into Jennifer's moly [I think it was Jen's--it started off as the hummingbirds]. I took it in a bit of a creepy direction:

I sent this to Carolina mid/end of July. Carolina-did you receive these? I just read the post about your address change, I hope the moleskines made it to right place! I will also need your new address, s'il vous plait!
5. I have not received any moleskines since creating in the ones I sent to Carolina. Kari- I am ready! :) I hope you are allright [I know you have been very busy and I hope you are ok]!
6. Hi Kelley and Rose!
That is my status. I've been starting a new working schedule so hopefully I won't be absent for long gaps like this summer. I was also wondering how everyone felt if I made a banner for this blog and a banner to put on our personal sites?
Big hug from CT.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Where is everyone?
Monday, August 24, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
First round nears its end...
As we continue forward, I wanted to remind everyone that in our second round we will have 2 new group members. Kelley and Rose who were displaced from an exchange that ended. Both of these ladies are wonderfully talented and I look forward to having them in the group.
In the next couple of months - once our first round officially ends - I will be updating the group mailing rotation and will send out the appropriate information to everyone.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Moly in the mail
I don't know if anyone else has realized this but we are very close to finishing up out first round. Holy cow.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Racheal's moly - entry finished...
it's in the mail
Monday, July 20, 2009
Stacey's moly
Friday, July 17, 2009
Kari - sorry for the delay
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Jen's book

Here's my addition. I thought I would add the trees that were up til now part of the background. I found a great photo of Aspen trees with some graffiti on them, added a couple of lizards and a butterfly and this is how it ended up. There isn't really a identifiable focus but I thought it made a good transition to... whatever comes next. Hope you like it Jennifer, it was fun.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Bat Man

Saturday, June 20, 2009
Just checking in....
Kari - you should have Jennifer's moly
Racheal - you should have my moly
Carol - you should have Kari's moly
Jennifer - you have Racheal's moly
and I have Carol's.
If this is not the case please let me know and we can allow more time if needed. Each of our moly's have 2 more entries/mailings before they are sent back to us. Recently, I emailed eveyone to see if it would be okay to add 2 more ladies to our group for the 2nd round of entries. It was a unanimous "yes" once everyone gets their moly back I will post a new rotation and send out any/all pertinent information and introduce our new group members.
Hope everyone is having a great summer and staying cool - it has been 100+ here in Texas.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Dreams don't always make sense.....
Saturday, June 6, 2009
2nd mailing...
I am going to propose June 30th as the next mailing date. Let me know if this is okay with everyone.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sunshine & Sumertime

I'm sorry I am behind! Lots of deadlines. But making this was my treat and now I'm definitely in summer mode and feeling nice and relaxed. I made no plans on this one. I told myself I would (because it was someone else's Moleskine that I didn't want to mess up) but decided to follow an idea without plans instead. It's more exciting for me that way. I was going to move it on land but waited, the sea felt better.
I hope you like it Kari, and that it reminds you to relaaaax.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Carolina's moly - The roses have been painted
The only problem now will be making my signature entry on the back. While the markers produce rich color - they also soak in/through the paper. I may have to paste a piece of paper to the back for my signature entry.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
WoNdeRlaNd has arrived!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Carolina's Moly - painting the roses red...
Here is my preliminary drawing for Carolina's moly. I spent some time on Saturday watching Disney's Alice in Wonderland with my little one and decided that this was what I wanted to do for my entry. I took this straight from the video, so I will end up tweaking a few things so as not to completely copy Disney.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
It's in the mail...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Jen's Moly - entry 1 - FINAL
Here is my entry in Jen's moly. After coming up with the idea to do a sort of bird/girl - I wanted to be sure that my entry blended with Jen's so that the girl truly looked like she belonged to some big bird family.
racheal's moly in the mail
Thursday, May 14, 2009
My entry - Carolina's book

So the heartless queen to the left gave me a bit of an uneasy feeling. By the looks of it Mr. Rabbit is a bit concerned too. Think he's gonna get a move on.
I just need to 'sign' the back, then it will be on it's way to Stacey.
Monday, May 11, 2009
my entry in Racheal's moly

Here is my entry in Racheal's sketchbook. As a follow up to the moon, I decided to do a Pierrot. I love Pierrot so sad and so beautiful. I was inspired by the song "Au clair de la lune". It's a french children song which speaks about Pierrot and the moon.
Well hope you like it, and hope that Racheal likes it.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
2nd mailing deadline...
summertime is in CT
i was wondering what was the title of the faith hill song you were inspired by for the theme? i'd like to listen to it for a little inspiration myself.
as far as due date-can we extend it to the 1st of june? is that too late?
Thursday, May 7, 2009
a suprise in the mail
Yeah, this is so fun! Racheal, it looks really good and love the little surprise at the end

Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Discussion - 2nd mailing - deadline
My entry in Jen's moly
Here is the preliminary drawing for my entry in Jen's Moly. I tried to follow your style in a number of places, Jen, so that the entry would flow with the one before it. I hope you like it.
Now to the color stage...
(It comes out a little blurry when you add the picture to the post...)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
It's even more awesome in person!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
It's in the ENVELOPE!!
First entry - done!
My moly is in its envelope and ready to go. Just need stamps.
Finished! 1st entry
Saturday, April 25, 2009
entry 1 - with color
There are parts of this entry that I like and parts of it that I don't. I think it is okay for my first entry.
sign in - final - with color
When I first came up with the design - I was worried that I would mess it up when I added color, but I am really happy with the way this came out.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Just Checking In
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Racheal's Bella Luna

So, I'm not good at keeping secrets or posting in process work. Therefore, this is my completed sign in page...which is unconventional. I don't have a plan when I work, just a visual in my mind. I ended up with no room for signing in, but I figure, everyone can sign their name on their work.
In the mail she goes!
"i am confused though-are we suppossed to make our own image to start off the moleskine?"
Yes. Everyone makes the first entry in their own moleskine. That's what gets the rest of us started. Based on your entry (or theme - if you choose one) - everyone else makes their entries.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
a twist on the sign in page

Hi all
I just wanted to let you know that I didn't do a conventional sign in page. Since I really love the whole idea of the traveling sketchbook (ie: different cities, different dates, different artists, one sketchbook) I did a new kind of sign in page. I signed my piece on the other side of the paper, with the date, the place and the tittle of my piece. Here is a sneak peak. I would really appreciated if you did the same with your piece when you get the sketchbook, well if you don't mind
Tell me what you think
Jenn's book - work in progress
Sunday, April 19, 2009
DISCUSSION - First mailing date
What does everyone think?
work in progress

Here is a sneak peak of my sketchbook. Hope you like where I'm going.
I have a small confession, I did this illustration without thinking to much and just following my inspiration and suddenly a theme was in placed. With white rabbits and queens of hearts, I think the Alice in Wonderland theme is pretty obvious. So if you don't mind, I would like you to follow my theme in my sketchbook when it gets to you. No obligations, I just taught it could be fun for my sketchbook.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Sign in done - color has been added
I got everything transferred into my Moly and used my new watercolors to add color to the design. I also found that I really like working with watercolors. I was a little scared to actually put paint to paper as I am new to using watercolors, but I think it came out really good.
I will wait and let Kari post the finished work so as not to totally ruin the surprise.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Jenn's sign in page
My moly - entry 1
My sign in page
Sign in pages and first mailing
Racheal - I am okay with your having a regular sketchbook. Maybe in your book each person can do a 2 page spread - instead of the 3 pages in the accordian album. I am sure that it will work out just fine.
Karo - While I am here, I will go ahead and answer the question about the sign-in page. When you open your accordian album (I think this is the same for moly sketchbooks also), the inside cover is blank and on the front of the first page are lines where you would put your name and address in case your moly is lost. In quite a few of the exchanges that I have looked at people will make an entry on those two pages. Their entry will either have all of the names of the people in the group or they will let each individual person sign their name when they receive the moly. This is not a requirement. Just something that people do.
I have worked up a design for my sign in page that I am happy with. If I can remember, I will scan in my sketch this evening. Call me a chicken, but I am working up sketches in my sketchbook before I put them in my moly.
Talk soon!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
My moleskine cover...
Now on to my sign-in page...
Get ready, get set, DRAW!!
Most of you have ordered or received your moleskines. As you get your moleskines start drawing everything you want, you must complete at least 3 pages.
Feel free to post pics here of your drawing progress and whatever else you want of the whole process. In my first post I stated that the person who receives the book will scan the previous artist's work and post it on the blog for everyone to see. Here I post the rotation of the group to be more efficient, if every one agrees...
Just to make it a little easier - this will be the mailing order:
Kari >> Rachael (Connecticut)
Rachael >> Carolina (Canada)
Carolina >> Jennifer (Michigan)
Jennifer >> Stacey (Texas)
Stacey >> Kari (Utah)
I will be emailing each of you the address and contact information for the person that you will be mailing to as well as the email address of the person who will be mailing to you. Please keep in contact with one another. You may email your progress or you may post it here.
If everyone would post a comment to this post and let me know whether you have your moleskine - I will set the date for the first mailing. You do not have to stick with 3 weeks per entry - if you finish sooner, you are more than welcome to send your moleskine on to the next person.
Hope to hear from you all soon.
Welcome to moly_x_70!!
The majority of artists in this group have selected to go theme-less, if you decide that you want a theme for your moleskine, please be sure to put your theme on your sign-in page so that others will know.
The concept:
1. Each artist starts with a Japanese fold Moleskine - Name, address, email address written inside book.
2. Each artist gets 3 weeks to make a sketchbook entry, and mail it to the next person. The order is listed to the right.
3. Each artist will do approx. 3 pages each round. Each book will make 2 rounds.
4. Artists are encouraged to interact with other images in the book. Please be respectful.
5. When the book is full (when one side of the unfolded book is filled) the book will be sent back to its original owner. That artist may continue by buying a new book and sending it to the next person.
6. If a person decides not to continue, he/she will simply keep her book when it comes back to him/her. She should email all of the participants to say she is not going to continue. The group will then decide if they want to find a new person.
7. Please communicate regularly via email. Let each person know that you have received/sent the book. The goal is to have a dialogue. Any comments and questions are welcome.
Up & Running.
Have fun. Thanks for you patience.