Saturday, June 20, 2009

Just checking in....

As we get closer to another mailing date (June 30th) - I just wanted to check in with everyone to be sure that we are all on schedule (on the same page). As of right now...
Kari - you should have Jennifer's moly
Racheal - you should have my moly
Carol - you should have Kari's moly
Jennifer - you have Racheal's moly
and I have Carol's.
If this is not the case please let me know and we can allow more time if needed. Each of our moly's have 2 more entries/mailings before they are sent back to us. Recently, I emailed eveyone to see if it would be okay to add 2 more ladies to our group for the 2nd round of entries. It was a unanimous "yes" once everyone gets their moly back I will post a new rotation and send out any/all pertinent information and introduce our new group members.

Hope everyone is having a great summer and staying cool - it has been 100+ here in Texas.


  1. Yes, I have Racheal's moly and I will be mailing it to Stacey on Monday.

    It's trying to be summer in Michigan.

  2. I have Kari's moly
    Sorry I didn't mentioned before but it's been a crazy week in montreal

  3. Hi Stacey,
    Racheals moly is in the mail, keep an eye out for it!

  4. Thanks Jenn! I will keep a look out for it.

  5. Hi guys,

    Sorry for my delay. I had a huge job interview come up last week, and all of my attention went towards that. Stacey's moly is on it's way to Racheal and I am working on Jennifers now. I'll post scans later tonight.

  6. so wait...i need to have my entry in stacey's moly done and mailed by june 30th?

    i'm not sure if this possible. i don't even have the moly yet. yikes!

  7. Racheal - don't worry...that's why I wanted to check in with everyone. If you hadn't received the moly yet you will still have time to make your entry. Don't rush - we are all in this for the fun of it, so it's no biggie.

  8. stacey-ok hehe. i should have said in my last comment...i may need more time :)

  9. Not a problem. Just keep us updated.
