As we get closer to another mailing date (June 30th) - I just wanted to check in with everyone to be sure that we are all on schedule (on the same page). As of right now...
Kari - you should have Jennifer's moly
Racheal - you should have my moly
Carol - you should have Kari's moly
Jennifer - you have Racheal's moly
and I have Carol's.
If this is not the case please let me know and we can allow more time if needed. Each of our moly's have 2 more entries/mailings before they are sent back to us. Recently, I emailed eveyone to see if it would be okay to add 2 more ladies to our group for the 2nd round of entries. It was a unanimous "yes" once everyone gets their moly back I will post a new rotation and send out any/all pertinent information and introduce our new group members.
Hope everyone is having a great summer and staying cool - it has been 100+ here in Texas.